P.O. Box 493 Miamitown, OH - 45041-9998 - USA
ICEA Meetings
ICEA meetings are held quarterly, with the organization's business being conducted in a General Meeting, and technical matters are handled in the Section whose scope covers the subject. Technical matters of interest to several Sections being covered in a Joint Session to preclude repetition.
ICEA Membership
Membership in ICEA is confined to individual engineers who are on technical staffs of concerns engaged in the manufacture of the product involved, and who are qualified by technical training or experience to contribute to the purpose and activity of the Association. ICEA members are not involved in activities such as pricing, negotiating and/or closing of sales for any cable products. If interested, and believe you are eligible, you are invited to contact ICEA Headquarters for more information.
Section Scope
The Power Cable Section assignment includes standards for all cables with extruded or laminar insulations and used for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy.
The UPCS TAC group is a technical advisory committee for this Section on matters relating to utility cables. It is composed of ICEA members, power cable users (utilities and manufacturing plants etc.) and other industry associated parties.
The Communications Cable Section is responsible for providing cable standards, test procedures, and guides for the telecommunications industry. It is composed of ICEA members representing over twenty telecommunications cable manufacturers from the USA, Canada, and Mexico.
The Control & Instrumentation Section is responsible for providing standards, test procedures, and guides for all insulated cables used to control or monitor equipment or power systems, transportation signal systems, and alarms.
The Portable Cable Section was formed to provide standards for insulated electrical cables for all portable or movable equipment, especially for use in mines or other similar applications, and by the military.