P.O. Box 493 Miamitown, OH - 45041-9998 - USA
Interested in Becoming a Member?
I would like to tell you a little about ICEA and give you a few tips about our mission and how we operate. As I am sure that you know by now ICEA is composed strictly of engineers who are employed by cable manufacturing companies. These companies are sponsors of the association. The association has a long history of purely technical work. Individuals who are involved in sales, pricing or order placement are strictly prohibited from being members.
The Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association (IPCEA) was formed in 1925 by a group of power cable engineers. The purpose was to write recommended practices, testing procedures and standards for the manufacturing and use of insulated power cables. IPCEA evolved into three separate sections- Control and Instrumentation Cables, Power Cables, and Portable Power cables. In 1979 communications cables were added and the name was changed to the Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA) with C&I, Power, Portable, and Communications cable sections. The organization was later reorganized into two Divisions – Energy Cables and Communications Cables with sections under each. The Energy Division retained its C&I, Power and Portable sections while the Communications Division was further subdivided into the Copper and Fiber sections.
The association meets quarterly starting on the first Monday of every third month (March, June, September, and December). The third meeting of each year (September) is the annual meeting which includes “field events” and a Wednesday night awards banquet. We encourage you to participate in both. This meeting normally starts the 2nd Monday of September to avoid conflict with Labor Day.
The quarterly General Meetings are held on Wednesday morning of meeting weeks. At regular quarterly meetings, an Association Reception and Dinner is held on Tuesday night. Please join us.
The association maintains a website – General information is maintained in the public area of the website. A separate members only area contains member rosters, meeting schedules, agendas, meeting registration information and meeting minutes. The Constitution and Policy manuals are also available in the member area.
Upcoming meeting registration information will be posted on the website by week four of the meeting cycle. Minutes of the previous meeting will be posted on the website by the sixth week of the meeting cycle.
If you find any errors or items which are unclear on the website or if you have any suggestions for improvement, please email the secretary.
A few rules should be pointed out.
1. Each Sponsoring Company must designate one voting member for the association and one voting member for each division and section they wish to be represented.
2. Each Sponsoring Company may designate up to three alternate voting members for the association and each division and section. At any meeting where the sponsor voting member is not present one alternate should identify themselves to the meeting
3. Each Sponsoring Company shall designate one dues payer who will be responsible for processing the annual dues invoice.
4. The sponsor’s dues are invoiced annually on September 1, due October 1, late on January 1 (voting rights may be canceled) and past due on May 1 (membership canceled) If the membership is canceled the sponsor will be required to pay a re-entry fee and all back dues to be reinstated.
5. Voting privileges are dependent on attendance at section meetings. A sponsor representative must have attended at least 2 of the last 4 section meetings to have voting privileges at the section meeting or on letter ballots issued during the subsequent
meeting cycle.
6. Vote Counts- Each letter ballot requires a minimum return and a minimum affirmative vote. It is essential that your vote be returned to have a valid vote. If you do not have manufacturing capability or expertise on a particular subject, please submit an
abstaining vote when you receive the ballot.
7. Meeting registration forms and fees should be submitted prior to two weeks before each meeting. Failure to do so will require a higher onsite registration fee.
The association develops, publishes and maintains three types of documents
Test Procedures – designated as T-xx-yyy where xx is a publication number and yyy is a project number
Recommended Practices – designated as P-xx-yyy
Standards – designated as S-xx-yyy
A complete listing is maintained on the website.
The work of the association is conducted primarily in Working Groups (WG). Each draft is voted on by the WG members. You are encouraged to participate in all WG’s in which you have interest and/or expertise. Once the document is fully developed, it is voted on by the section. After it receives approval, it may be sent to IHS/Global Engineering Documents who provide publication services for us. ICEA members receive a 50% discount on all ICEA documents purchased from Global. Standards may also be submitted to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for approval as the American National Standard (ANS). NEMA acts as our ANSI Secretariat. Some of our standards are then approved by and later joint published with ICEA and NEMA (non-utility power standards) or ICEA and TIA (fiber standards)
The association is governed by the Executive Committee. The committee is composed of a President elected annually from the general membership, a 1st VP from each Division, a 2nd VP from each Division and a member at large from each Division. Legal Council and the secretary are non-voting members of the Executive Committee. The President and 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents are elected by the members at the Annual Meeting. The members at large are appointed by the Executive Committee prior to the Annual Meeting.
The Secretary/Treasurer is hired by the Executive Committee to provide administrative support, plan meetings, maintain the financial books and website.
Should you require any help becoming a part of our association please contact the Secretary/Treasurer ( or any officer. We welcome you and look forward to a long productive