P.O. Box 493 Miamitown, OH - 45041-9998 - USA

The Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA) is a professional organization dedicated to developing cable standards for electric power, control, and telecommunications industries.
Since 1925, our objective has been to ensure safe, economical, and efficient cable systems utilizing proven state-of-the-art materials and concepts. Now with the proliferation of new materials and cable designs, our mission has gained significant importance. ICEA documents are of interest to industry participants worldwide, i.e. cable manufacturers, architects, engineers, utilities and manufacturing plant personnel, consultants, and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM's).
ICEA is a "Not-For-Profit" association whose members are sponsored by American and European leading cable manufacturers. The technical development work is performed in four semi-autonomous Sections; Power, Control & Instrumentation, Portable, and Communications Cable. In addition, there is a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) called the Utility Power Cable Standards (UPCS).
Many ICEA standards are approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Currently, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) is seeking new ANSI Members—specifically in the “user” and “general interest” categories—with a direct and material interest in the C8 committee on Insulated Wire and Cables, Excluding Magnet Wire and its subcommittees. For inquiries, contact Khaled.Masri@NEMA.org.